Holding space for rootedness through writing and spiritual direction.
Let’s Work Together
Contemplative Community
Practice embodied contemplative living through workshops and group spiritual direction.
1:1 Spiritual Direction
1-on-1 spiritual companionship in which I hold prayerful space for your story with God.
Discover spaces and experiences to nourish your inner life.
Discover spaces and experiences to nourish your inner life. |
Collective flourishing grows from the soil of our inner lives.
I used to think that if I could change the world out there then it would make me feel safer and more free in here, within the nuances and textures of my everyday life. As a racial justice educator, I spent years teaching others about the systemic oppression in the world in hopes of changing their minds and inviting them to co-create a more just world with me. While I saw some progress, over time, being an activist led to tremendous burnout. I became disconnected from myself. I had poor boundaries. I lost sight of who I was and felt like I was trying to give from an empty well.
When I began tending to the landscape of my inner life, transformation unfolded within me & around me. I was able to clarify my sense of calling. I was able to stop striving with so much anxiety. I was equipped to create relationships that nourished my life instead of drained me. I was able to remember who I was and offer my gifts from a place of rootedness, authenticity, and rest.
I create spaces and learning experiences to nourish the roots of your inner life so that you can show up in the world authentically, compassionately, and sustainably.
Oh hello, I’m Bethaney.
My greatest wish is for your to feel safe enough and brave enough to evolve. As an author, facilitator and spiritual director, my work is to hold space for your growth and transformation.

Discover A More Beautiful Way
A More Beautiful Way explores the arts of slow living, spiritual formation and cultivating rootedness in modern life.
Discover The Diversity Gap
The Diversity Gap (2018-2022) is a book and podcast about closing the gap between our good intentions and our impact related to organizational culture and diversity.