Holding space for change.
These offerings are designed for your personal and organizational growth. Through facilitation, mentorship, spiritual direction and care, I’m passionate about creating environments to support your wholeheartedness and evolution.

01 | Spiritual Direction
Spiritual direction, or more helpfully known as spiritual companionship, is the art of sacred listening as we navigate the terrain of your spiritual and inner life together. This is for individuals who are exploring new depths, changes or nuances in their faith, spiritual practice, or life with the Divine. As a spiritual director, my role is to listen deeply, to ask questions, to follow the threads of your story, and to partner with you in centering the presence of the Sacred in your everyday life. I hold this type of space for people who are finding their way within and beyond the Christian tradition. I also hold this space for people who have left the Christian tradition but are still interested in cultivating a meaningful spiritual practice.

02 | The Garden Contemplative Community
Weaving values of slow living, soul care and contemplative practice, this membership experience is designed to help you become rooted and resourced enough to face the varied challenges of modern life. Some of these spaces are faith-based and rooted in Christian tradition. Others are nature-based and rooted in our connection with the more-than-human world. These containers help you slow down enough to re-member who are you so that you have what it takes to participate wholeheartedly in your life and the world around you.